
Chelsea Trusted 135 Years SPOT

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White Sugar

Here's one we all know and love! The uniform size of the sugar crystals gives you a regular texture and consistency, while the lack of molasses syrup on the crystal means a clean colour and flavour making white sugar the perfect ingredient for baking and sweets.

But sugar is not all about sweetness! It is a preservative in jams & marmalade killing bacteria by starving them of water. It gives structure and texture to your baking - less sugar will be dense like bread, more sugar makes baking light and fluffy. So beware of reducing the amount of sugar in a recipe and expecting the same result!

An everyday pantry staple, Chelsea white sugar is the perfect partner to fill the tins, celebrate life's milstones or add a touch of sweetness to that well deserved cuppa!

Did you know? In Europe sugar comes from Sugar Beets while our sugar comes from Sugar Cane!

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Sugar Cubes 454g

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